Kogarah Intensive English Centre - homework policy
Policy procedures
For students
- Write down clearly, all details of set homework in homework diary. Include due dates for task and major assignments.
- Appropriately plan homework task completion.
- Try to complete homework independently. If difficulties arise seek assistance from either teacher or parent or caregiver.
- Attend the homework club for extra assistance.
- Ensure homework is completed on time and to the best of their ability.
For parents and caregivers
- Take an interest in the homework assignment of the student in their care.
- If possible, provide a quiet, well lit area where the student can do their work comfortably.
- Allow 20-30 minutes to hear the student read each night.
- Assist the student in obtaining a balance of homework, home and extracurricular activities.
For teachers
- Help students develop the organisational and time management skills needed for them to be responsible for their own learning.
- Teach revision and study skills explicitly.
- Clearly indicate the purpose of the homework.
- Allow enough time for the completion of homework.
- Monitor, assess and give feedback on homework.
Policy statement
KIEC staff believe that homework is an invaluable part of the language learning experience of each student at the centre. The intensive EAL/D program is strongly supported by the completion of homework. The homework set is appropriate to the student's language level and age. It is devised for a specific purpose and is interesting, challenging and meaningful. Homework provides the student with opportunities to reinforce and increase knowledge, skills and understanding obtained in classroom learning. Homework also encourages each student to be independent and take responsibility for their own learning. It assists the student in developing good planning and organisational skills.
Homework engenders parent or caregiver involvement in the student's learning, resulting in a productive partnership between student, school and home. It provides an opportunity for the parents and caregiver to follow content being taught, as well as progress being made by the student.
- Teachers assess the homework and give feedback to students
- Homework results also indicate where extra support is needed.
Learning English in a limited time frame is demanding, so it is important that there is a realistic expectation of the amount of homework given and the time allowed for it to be completed. Therefore, KIEC teachers believe a student is capable of spending 2-3 hours a night on homework. This work will come from each subject area. It will include work set by the teacher, revision of the day's lessons, daily home reading, journal writing, and major, long term assignments/presentations.
KIEC staff believe that parents should be informed if the student in their care does not attempt to complete homework regularly. A student who persistently fails to complete homework will be cautioned, and be detained, either at lunch time or after school, to catch up on any unfinished work.